Monday, May 30, 2016

A new barbell

It's been exactly one year since my last weight training update.  I was stuck at a 212 lbs until a few months ago when I finally bought a new Olympic barbell.  It's black metal oxide and pretty sexy.  I also picked up some great steal Troy and IGX weights from Craigslist.  I've got about 600 lbs, which should last me a while.

You'll notice in my picture above that I covered the grips in electrical tape and scotch tape.  I added the electrical tape because the grip was far too aggressive, and even at 100 lbs it ripped into the fleshy bits of my hand; it was unusable.  Here's what it looked like up close:

The electrical tape is a bit too smooth so my grip doesn't feel very secure, but I haven't had the time to try anything else yet.  I might fill the grooves with something later.

The scotch tape is my fault.  I bought a power lifting bar instead of an Olympic bar, not knowing there was a difference, and the longer knurling cuts into my knees on the squat.  I use the tape to make it smoother.  However, I think this was the only 5 foot long Olympic-weight bar I could find, so I didn't really have a choice.

Before finding the nice weights on Craigstlist (which took a few months), I purchased some cast iron Weider weights from Big 5 Sports.  The first one I put on my bar immediately scratched it.  Always up for some experimentation, I decided to try and fix it, by:
  1. Removing the [excessively thick] paint using a chemical peal and a wire brush attached to my hand drill.
  2. Smoothing the inner circle using a grinding stone attached to my hand drill.
  3. Painting it black with canned spray paint.
Here is the result after the peal and grinding, beside the original.

In the end, it worked okay.  I didn't scratch my bar immediately, but wasn't even close to the smoothness of steal.  And the diameter of the inner holes were still about 2mm too large so the weights rattled.  I only used them once and it was not at all worth the effort.

And here's where I'm at in all my barbell exercises.
Deadlift: 239 lbs
Squat: 199 lbs
Standing Press: 99 lbs